National Diabetes Month with Pro Staff Physical Therapy

Diabetes is one of the most predominant chronic illnesses worldwide. In 2021, the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) projected roughly 1 in 10 individuals between the ages of 20 and 79 have diabetes. November, National Diabetes Month, serves as a time to increase awareness and foster a supportive sense of community. This blog aims to provide a deeper understanding of diabetes and spotlights the significance of prevention and management strategies, as well as underscoring the essential contribution of physical therapy in diabetes care.

November is National Diabetes Month with Pro Staff Physical Therapy

What Exactly is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a health condition characterized by the body’s inability to manage blood sugar levels properly. Diabetes can also act as a comorbidity, meaning it can make other health conditions worse, contributing to the global burden of disease and disability. There are several types of diabetes, each with different causes and unique characteristics, and understanding these variations is crucial for effective management and treatment. The increasing prevalence is also intertwined with rising obesity rates and unhealthy lifestyle factors, such as poor diet and lack of physical activity.

Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 diabetes is characterized as an autoimmune disorder where the body’s immune system erroneously targets and destroys the beta cells in the pancreas responsible for producing insulin. Consequently, this disruption leads to minimal or nonexistent insulin production. Insulin plays a crucial role in facilitating glucose’s entry into cells for energy utilization. Without it, glucose accumulates in the bloodstream, resulting in elevated blood sugar levels. Type 1 diabetes predominantly emerges in children and adolescents.

  • Symptoms and Warning Signs: Symptoms of Type 1 diabetes usually start suddenly and include severe thirst, frequent urination, extreme hunger, unexpected weight loss, tiredness, mood changes, and blurred vision.
  • Risk Factors: The main risks for developing Type 1 diabetes include having a family history of the disease, exposure to certain viruses, and having specific autoantibodies related to the condition.
  • Management Strategies: Managing Type 1 diabetes mainly involves taking insulin regularly, following a planned diet, and exercising routinely. Constantly checking blood sugar levels is crucial to keep them within the recommended ranges.

Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is much more common than Type 1, accounting for approximately 95% of diabetes cases. Type 2 diabetes manifests when the body develops a resistance to insulin or the pancreas falls deficient in producing ample insulin. While this variant typically emerges in adulthood, onset in children and adolescents is possible.

  • Symptoms and Warning Signs: Symptoms of Type 2 diabetes are similar to those of Type 1 but usually less severe, making it harder to diagnose quickly. Common symptoms include increased thirst, frequent urination, extreme hunger, fatigue, and blurred vision.
  • Risk Factors: The likelihood of developing Type 2 diabetes is higher for people who are obese, lead inactive lifestyles, are older, have a family history of diabetes, belong to certain ethnic groups, or have health issues such as high blood pressure.
  • Management Strategies: Managing Type 2 diabetes involves lifestyle changes like improving diet and increasing physical activity, taking oral medications to manage blood sugar levels, and sometimes using insulin. Regular check-ups and careful monitoring of blood sugar levels are also crucial in managing this condition effectively.

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is diabetes that occurs during pregnancy and is hallmarked by escalated blood sugar levels. The prevalence of gestational diabetes varies based on factors such as ethnicity, age, and body mass index (BMI). On average, gestational diabetes affects about 2% to 10% of pregnancies annually in the United States. This condition increases the risk of complications throughout the pregnancy and during childbirth and amplifies the likelihood of both the mother and baby developing Type 2 diabetes later in life.

  • Symptoms and Warning Indicators: Gestational diabetes often doesn’t show clear symptoms and is usually diagnosed during regular prenatal check-ups.
  • Risk Components: Women who are overweight, have a family history of diabetes, or are older are more likely to develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy.
  • Regulation Strategies: Managing gestational diabetes involves closely monitoring blood sugar levels, maintaining a healthy diet and engaging in regular physical activity. Sometimes, medication, including insulin, may be necessary. Keeping a healthy body weight is also essential for effectively managing this condition.


Prediabetes is characterized by blood sugar concentrations that exceed normal thresholds, but that are not elevated enough to warrant a classification of Type 2 diabetes. The transition from prediabetes to Type 2 diabetes varies based on several individual factors, including lifestyle, genetics, and adherence to management strategies such as diet and exercise. On average, research suggests that 15-30% of individuals with prediabetes will develop Type 2 diabetes within five years. However, with effective interventions such as lifestyle modifications, the progression from prediabetes to Type 2 diabetes can be prevented or significantly delayed.

  • Symptoms and Warning Indicators: Prediabetes is often undetected, as it rarely presents discernible symptoms, underscoring the importance of early detection through regular health appointments and assessments.
  • Risk Components: Prediabetes risk is multifaceted, closely tied to factors such as excess weight, age, family history, and physical inactivity. Ethnic backgrounds like African American, Hispanic/Latino, and certain Asian American groups also see heightened prevalence.
  • Regulation Strategies: Managing prediabetes involves making significant lifestyle changes. A healthy diet, regular exercise, and maintaining a balanced weight are key in managing and possibly reversing prediabetes, helping prevent it from progressing to Type 2 diabetes. Regular check-ups are essential to monitor blood sugar levels and catch any signs of progression early, especially for those at higher risk.

Complications of Diabetes

Living with diabetes involves more than just managing blood sugar levels daily. Diabetes can bring a range of serious complications that can affect different parts of the body and significantly lower the quality of life, including:

  • Heart and blood vessel issues
  • Kidney problems (Nephropathy)
  • Nerve damage (Neuropathy)
  • Eye issues, including vision loss (Retinopathy)
  • Skin and foot problems
  • Mental health effects

The Role of Physical Therapy in Diabetes Management

Physical therapy plays a vital role in managing diabetes, helping maintain a lifestyle that is crucial for handling the condition.

  • Exercise and Diabetes: Guided exercise plans, created by physical therapists, are essential in effectively managing blood sugar levels, tailoring each plan to meet individual needs.
  • Managing Weight: Managing and preventing type 2 diabetes significantly depends on weight management. Physical therapists offer invaluable guidance, helping incorporate feasible exercise routines for sustainable weight management.
  • Flexibility and Mobility: Diabetes can often lead to limited mobility. Physical therapy can assist in enhancing flexibility, ensuring an improved quality of life and facilitating the management of daily activities.
  • Preventing and Managing Complications: Specific, tailored exercises are prescribed to boost circulation and help in preventing complications such as peripheral neuropathy, commonly associated with diabetes.

Physical therapy is a key part of diabetes management, helping improve blood sugar control and overall quality of life. It gives people the tools and knowledge they need to manage their diabetes more effectively, building confidence in handling daily challenges.

Diabetes Prevention Strategies

Preventing diabetes, especially type 2, involves making important lifestyle changes to maintain overall health and blood glucose levels. This is necessary for everyone, due to the common nature of the disease, and particularly for those with risk factors like family history and obesity.

  • Eat a balanced diet with plenty of essential nutrients, and avoid processed foods and high-sugar drinks and snacks.
  • Regularly participate in physical activities to help manage weight, improve insulin sensitivity, and maintain heart health.
  • Schedule regular check-ups and blood glucose screenings for early detection and prevention of diabetes, particularly if there are pre-existing risk factors.
  • Manage stress using mindfulness practices like meditation and yoga. Controlling stress is important as it can negatively affect blood glucose levels.
  • Reduce alcohol consumption and avoid smoking, as these can increase the risk of diabetes and other health issues.
  • Aim for 7-9 hours of good quality sleep every night to maintain healthy metabolism and hormone levels, which can help prevent weight gain and insulin resistance.

Improved Health with Pro Staff Physical Therapy

Effectively managing diabetes requires constant care and a deep understanding. It involves a mix of awareness, lifestyle changes, and utilizing key health services like physical therapy to manage life with diabetes successfully.

This November, let’s take the chance to enhance our knowledge of diabetes, share information, and promote a sense of community health and wellness while dealing with this challenging condition. Together, we can work towards a healthier future and reduce the effects of diabetes.

Pro Staff Institute, LLC, has a network of outpatient physical rehabilitation centers in New Jersey. Pro Staff was founded in 2010 by Frank Pavlisko and Michael Maffucci. Through Frank’s 25 plus years experience in Physical Therapy and Michael’s experience in Management Services, our goal is to exceed customer expectations by providing the highest quality of service in a fun, family, friendly, and encouraging environment.


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