You can be a perfect candidate for physical therapy and not even know it!

The most common misconceptions that circle around physical therapy come from not knowing what it is. By understanding what physical therapy is, it will be much easier to realize if it is something that would be a beneficial solution.

Physical therapy is defined as the “treatment of disease, injury, or deformity by physical methods such as massage, heat treatment, and exercise rather than by drugs or surgery.”

Physical therapy is considered a more natural form of recovery, healing and treatment. Physical therapy avoids drugs and surgery and has the ability to maximize movement in patients. Additionally, patients and therapists work together to set and achieve goals thus causing the rate of success to be a partnership between patients and therapists.

If you have experienced anything that limits regular your ability of movement or function, physical therapy can be beneficial. People suffering from arthritis, joint pain, chronic conditions as well as people who are at risk of falling due to lack of balance can benefit from physical therapy. In addition, physical therapy can be used as a preventive measure as well as an alternative to surgery.

Another thing to note about physical therapy is that there are many different types. Finding the best type of physical therapy that not only fits your needs but the needs of your condition, whether it be an injury or disease, is extremely important to the outcome of the results following treatment.

Physical therapy isn’t the obvious answer to the many different diseases and injuries that one may be suffering from but could be an extremely beneficial solution. For example people dealing with diabetes, physical therapy can provide foot care and education for handling the loss of sensation in their legs and feet due to the disease. In addition to exercise being able to help effectively control blood sugar levels.

Not every person wants to participate in their recovery and health. For someone who doesn’t want to rely on medication or have to undergo a surgery physical therapy is the obvious answer. But if you are someone who care about their health but have been suffering from diseases or conditions that cause them to have to adjust their way of life as a side effect and want to take every possible opportunity to insure that they will be able to maintain and maybe even diminish these symptoms physical therapy can be the answer you have been waiting for.

Pro Staff Institute, LLC, has a network of outpatient physical rehabilitation centers in New Jersey. Pro Staff was founded in 2010 by Frank Pavlisko and Michael Maffucci. Through Frank’s 25 plus years experience in Physical Therapy and Michael’s experience in Management Services, our goal is to exceed customer expectations by providing the highest quality of service in a fun, family, friendly, and encouraging environment.


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